We are glad to announce our first PBR update for Envshade is now available ! You can get it from Envupdater now but it should also be availale very shortly from your SimMarket account. This update not only comes with some PBR tweaks as we previously announced but it also come with other new features, improvements, adjustements, fixes as well as a quite large update of Envdir, bringing some UI improvements like tooltips which were requested by many of you (The full changelog is available at the end of this article).
Improvements are obviously still to come, especially on the P3Dv5 version which will probably needs further adjustments and enhancements. Don't hesitate to let us know what you like and what you'd like to see further improved.
Happy flights !

• Envdir | Version
- Envshade v1.1.5.5 compatibility added
- Slightly updated UI design
- Tooltips added on features titles
- Updated user manual
• Envshade | Version
- Aircraft shadows depth not working on P3Dv5 fixed
- PBR aircraft shadows depth adjustment added
- Rayleigh scattering behaviour on P3Dv5 adjusted
- Pink rayleigh scattering with lower scattering setting value on P3Dv5 fixed
- Pink artifacts on PBR surfaces under shadows fixed for both P3Dv4 and v5
- Sky saturation adjustment setting added
- Minor improvements
Besides the % of envdir 8-) :
Looks absolutely great!
UI error with envdir showing 213 percent done will report back if it gives any sort of error beyond that