Hello there!
Envplus is now on short final and before it's available to you all, we would like to share more information about how it will work, how it will interact with your sim and your current Envproducts, but more importantly how it will completely change your sim.

The first important thing is that Envplus is not a standalone product but an extension for both Envtex and Envshade. It brings deeper customization and gives you more control on shaders and configuration settings.
If you are unsure about how Envplus interacts with your current Envproducts, I highly recommend to check this simple visual explanation.
So, how Envplus will change your simulator?
It's pretty simple: Envplus is the first Shader program which allows you to customize all of the Enhanced atmospherics aspects, from clouds colour, saturation, brightness, to the haze strenght and sky tint.

We wanted to provide the ability to customize everything as much as possible, not to give you a good opportunity to get a headache or to download hundreds of presets before finding the right one. That is why Envplus keeps the "Click and forget logic" of Envshade if you want to, but now you are completely free to customize many shader values if necessary. This means everything, including Enhanced Atmospherics shaders, is optimized out of the box, but you are totally free to fine-tune the most important settings.

Not only this is possible with the Enhanced atmospherics mode, either with volumetric or legacy clouds, but it is also available for the full legacy mode: you can now change everything the way you like, without losing any of the dynamic logic included in our shader tweaks.

The release is now imminent, but it does not mean this is the end of the development, as we always did with our past products, we will keep enhancing it, it will receive new features as explained on the product page, and if it meets the success it deserves, P3D v4 will also get its own version (as a free update).
The release will require an update for both Envdir and Envshade, all the updates will be available at release time apart from Envdir 1.4 that may be available slightly earlier.
Keep an eye here and SimMarket as it's now a question of days, or may be... hours? :D